A patched together lifestyle of thrift and charm...

Sep 15, 2014

The Story Of a Family Tree...

This weekend I spent a day with my siblings.  It was our first 
such day together since my parents went to heaven.
  We enjoyed a day of visiting local family spots of interest.

 One of our stops was to a little house my grandmother 
once lived in - before I was old enough to remember.
In the back of the house stands a tree.  Turns out - my father planted 
that tree at his mother's house - with my brother's help. 
  But that's not the whole story...
 My brother with 'his' tree!

Apparently my dad bought that tree with the intention of 
planting it at his own home (my family's before my time).  
But they lived on a rental property and he wasn't allowed to plant it.  
So... he commandeered my brother's (approx. age 11) help - 
and they picked up that tree - burlap ball, 6 ft tall and all - 
and took it to my grandmother's house and planted it.  
Picked it up and hand carried it!!!  Her house?  
It was about 3 miles away. 

Now that's a tree lover!

Me and my siblings after our day excursion...
 We live very scattered (Costa Rica, East Coast US, West Coast US) - 
so this day was a treat. 
But we plan to make this a bi-annual event.  Lord willing of course!

1 comment:

Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage said...

Sounds like a truly special day! The boys worked hard to get that tree planted and just look at how beautiful it is all these years later!


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